Dec 8th, 2009 ITA BI Roundtable Presentation

On Dec 8th, I was fortunate to present an overview of SQL Server 2008 Integration Services to the Illinois Technology Association’s Business Intelligence Roundtable. The actively-involved participants had many questions. Here are links to all of the prerequisite, supplemental, and follow-on resources we discussed:

Dimension Design (aka Star Schema) Methodology:

Code Examples:

While these examples are in SSIS 2005, they can be easily ported to SQL 2008. Most of the main techniques employed are still valid in SSIS 2008.

Development Utilities:

The Presentation:
  • There were only a few slides since I wanted to focus primarily on demonstrations, but you can find the PDF linked here:
If you attended and I missed posting something, please add a blog comment or email me via the contact information in the PDF.

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